Our Team

Photo taken by Kjeld Mahoney Photography

Photo taken by Kjeld Mahoney Photography

Karen Pritchard

Owner, Head Gardener, Floral Designer

Karen is over the moon about Meeting House Gardens. A perfect summer morning includes harvesting all of the pretty blooms just after sunrise and letting them have a nice drink of water while she has a cup of tea made by Steve (see below). Once the flowers are hydrated, the studio fun begins. Her favorite designs always include a generous variety of blooms that look like they jumped from the garden into the vase. Her favorite creation is a romantic bouquet - whether for a bride or as a gift for someone special. The idea of wrapping up a bouquet of gorgeous fresh flowers with a hand-made silk ribbon is like the cherry on top of a hot fudge sundae. (Karen’s favorite dessert!).

Head gardener at Meeting House Gardens

Steve P.

Head Farmhand and Mr. Fix-It

Without the tireless efforts of Steve (and his tractor) the gardens would not be possible. He moves mountains of compost to the beds and then moves our green-waste to the compost pile. He grinds up the fallen leaves in the autumn to make compost blankets for the flower beds. He weeds, digs a mean hole with his shovel, and makes a fabulous cup of tea for Karen every morning. The only thing he won’t do is touch the flowers - seriously! He will water them and weed around them but won’t harvest them.

He spends most of his time, though, doing his bit to save the planet by helping industrial and commercial property owners to reduce their energy consumption.

Floral designer, Meeting House Gardens, Scituate MA

Katie P.

Business Advisor and Beekeeper

Katie is all about rationalizing the business plan and encouraging us to embrace sustainable farming practices. Although she performs most of this work from her home base in Washington DC she does spend quality time in the gardens and is an astute observer of how the gardens perform and therefore how they need to evolve. She is the brains behind our beekeeping adventure.

Like Steve, her everyday passion is focused on saving the planet, particularly as it relates to our precious coastal resources and natural resources.